Popularly known as “BURG SCHÖNA”, the house offers a splendid view of the Schrammsteine stones towering above the Elbe. The “Malerweg” hiking trail with the Aschersteig and Schmilka offers ideal conditions for hikers and is only 500 metres away. The plateau-shaped hill Zirkelstein is close to Reinhardtsdorf.

You can find descriptions of circular hiking trails under “Reinhardtsdorf-Schöna” at outdooractive.com. The Malerweg, often described in magazines and books, leads through our forest as the Aschersteig; the Elbhangweg, which can also be used as a jogging route, will take you there.

The term “Saxon Switzerland” supposedly refers to two Swiss artists who painted the local landscapes in the 18th century. Many fellow painters followed in their footsteps to find inspiration for paintings, drawings and watercolours of the surrounding rock faces, streams and creeks. The most famous among them was Caspar David Friedrich, who created his impressive painting titled “The Rock Gorge” around this time and felt inspired to write: “I must remain alone and know that I am alone in order to fully look and feel nature; I must surrender to what surrounds me, unite with my clouds and rocks to be what I am, the solitude I need for the conversation with nature.”

The Großer Zschirnstein is the highest mountain in the German part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. It is about 560 metres high. It lies near Kleingießhübel in the Reinhardtsdorf-Schöna district. The rock walls drop up to 80 m at the edge of the mountain.

Our viewing platform.
During cleaning work on the rock, notches and depressions were discovered that were not natural.
Investigations revealed that there had been a bridge and a lookout at this spot. The owner of the guest and seminar house commissioned the Haak art workshop to revive the view with a platform and make it accessible to the public.

Barbarine Pfaffenstein Elbe Sandstone Mountains.
The climb up the Pfaffenstein rewards with fantastic views and a detour to the famous Barbarine. From the car park at the foot of the Pfaffenstein, a path leads uphill to the foot of the rock. There you go up a demanding path via the “eye of a needle”.